Friday, December 10, 2010

OAS Electoral Observer Mission to SVG

December 10, 2010

OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza has named Ambassador Frank Almaguer, the OAS Secretary for Administration and Finance, to serve as the Chief of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) for the general elections in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, scheduled for December 13, 2010. The Deputy Chief of Mission is Steve Griner, Chief of the Electoral Observation Section at the OAS Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO).

The first group of observers arrived December 5 and has met with the three political parties participating in the general elections and also with electoral authorities. On Election Day, the OAS Mission will have 11 observers from seven OAS member countries that will be deployed to all of the 15 constituencies throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadine islands.

The EOM will be located at the Bequoia Room of the Grenadine House Hotel and can be contacted on telephone number +784 531-5248.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-480/10